Introduction while playing with Docker and the Named Pipe trick , I wanted to give a more "*nix" feeling of Craig Wilhite volume mounting example: $ docker run -v C:/Users/crwilhit.REDMOND/tmp/ microsoft/nanoserver cmd.exe There's nothing wrong with this command, but the "scope" is WSL shell, and while using the docker nix command, the path of the volume is the windows one. There should be a better way, no? WSLENV to save the day Luckily, the WSL team did already implement a very nice feature, WSLENV , and a linux command, wslpath that will help translating the Windows path. Now it would be up to you to either create, in Windows, an environment variable and use it. Here is the same example, using LCOW (because why not), for mounting volumes in a "linux way": $ docker run --platform=linux -it -v $DOCKERVOL/mydir:/sharedvol ubuntu bash or use the wslpath command: $ docker run --platform=linux -it -v `wslpath -w /mnt/c/DockerVolumes/mydir...